Golden Corral Employee Reveals, food handling at the dumpster|Viral Video
Golden Corral Employee Reveals food handling at the dumpster|Viral Sc@nd$l Video
Brandon Huber, a cook of Golden Corral restaurant in Port Orange, Florida records a video as he walks into the restaurant’s meat storage near a dumpster. Brandon narrated that his company is undergoing a meat inspection. He walks into the dumpster and said:
"Apparently what my company likes to do to get ready for food inspection is to put their food by the dumpsters."
A disgusting food handling was revealed right after he stepped into the the dumpster area. Hamburger meat were on the trays with many maggot trail around it. Brandon Huber claimed that he's been an employee of Golden Corral restaurant for a long time but he could no longer take the improper food handling instructions of his manager.
Please watch the viral video of Brandon Huber.